Indications for sauna use:

Warming the body above normal temperature improves blood circulation in the body and muscle mobility, the expansion of sweat glands and the flushing of impurities from the body and skin.

At the same time, sauna bathing is a prevention against colds associated with hardening and mental relaxation. Suitable for chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, genital and urinary organs, cardiovascular system, chronic inflammatory diseases of the locomotor system, functional circulatory disorders, suitable for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, disorders of the locomotor system, insomnia, allergic conditions.

Contraindications to sauna:

  • all acute disease states
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland
  • bleeding diseases or conditions
  • conditions after inflammation of the veins
  • epilepsy
  • infectious diseases
  • hypertension
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus
  • malignant tumors
  • non-healing skin defects of any origin
  • all acute attacks of chronic diseases
  • decompensation of chronic diseases
  • infectious, transmissible, parasitic diseases
  • active TB
  • mental illnesses
  • febrile conditions
  • total arteriosclerosis with organ damage
  • a disease of the glands with internal secretion
  • treatment with corticoids (increased activity of the thyroid gland)
  • condition after heart attack and stroke (after medical examination without complications for 3 months)
  • all diseases of the heart and blood vessels after consultation with a specialist doctor
  • pregnancy
  • relative contraindication age over 70 years