Salt inhalation room

Thanks to the high content of sodium chloride, the room has a clean, anti-allergic and anti-fungal climate. Crystalline rock salt placed on the walls in the room is a natural ionizer. Negatively ionized air makes it possible to improve the overall quality of life, supports the treatment of many diseases, such as: bronchial asthma, diseases of the lungs and bronchi, nasal cavities, insufficient blood circulation in the body, psoriasis, various skin diseases, allergies, psychological hypersensitivity, various neuroses, reduced resistance to stress and fatigue syndrome.

What does staying in the inhalation room bring?

The microclimate, saturated with trace elements and negative ionization have a beneficial effect on the body of healthy people as well. Staying in the inhalation room significantly reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, increases the ability to concentrate, brings a feeling of freshness and satisfaction, and also slows down the aging of the skin. It helps in the fight against excess weight, because inhalations accelerate the burning of fats. These inhalations are a balm for the respiratory tract and accelerate their healing.

Inhalations are recommended for:

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Chronic inflammations of the upper and lower respiratory tract
  • Diseases of the bronchi and lungs
  • Decreased activity of the thyroid gland
  • Skin diseases
  • Stress, fatigue, nervous irritations
  • A weakened immune system

Therapy in the salt inhalation room is intended for everyone, regardless of age. We recommend a visit throughout the year, but especially in autumn, winter and spring, in order to strengthen the immune system.